Child does not like bathing
anxiety before or during bathing
bad mood
screaming, loud crying
As the child grows, his nervous system develops, the mental sphere is formed. The idea of the boundaries of the body is fixed, social norms are assimilated, personal characteristics mature, which are expressed in individual tastes and preferences. Many important events in life - entering kindergarten or school, moving or illness - often cause a certain stress. All this can increase sensitivity to tactile and temperature effects, and also contribute to the emergence of certain fears.
Parents should show patience, care and attention to make bathing as pleasant a procedure as possible. There is no need to use pressure, coercion and threats - this will only increase the negative attitude towards hygiene procedures. It is better to try to understand what exactly prevents the child from enjoying communication with water and soap foam.
Too hot or too cold water, a slippery bathtub surface, strong water pressure in the shower - all this may not please the child and complicate bathing. But most often the reason for aversion to washing is an unpleasant burning sensation in the eyes, ears, nose. They are caused by soap suds that get on the mucous membranes.
Since thin children's skin does not have full protection from external influences, children's bathing products should be very soft and non-aggressive. Undesirable components include hard foaming agents that completely wash away the protective lipid lubricant, mineral oils and silicones, alcohols, artificial preservatives and fragrances, exotic plant extracts - they can cause irritation. The advantages will be soft, fluffy, long-lasting foam and pleasant natural aromas.
When the child begins to maintain body hygiene independently, it is necessary that the size and shape of the bottles are comfortable for children's hands. The easiest way to overcome fears and discomfort is in a playful way.
Most often, quality cosmetic products for baby bathing include such ingredients as:
Aloe gel
Almond oil
Sunflower oil