Hair loss

Hair loss


Hair volume decreases

Hair becomes thinner

Вald spots form

Нairline on the forehead shifts back

Lost hair can often be found on a comb, clothes, pillow, in the bathroom while bathing


Genetic factors

High level of testosteron


Chronic deseases (diabetes etc.)

Poor circulation, capillary spasm (including due to smoking)

Poor diet

Toxins and harmful heavy metals in the environment


Healthier lifestyle: good nutrition with sufficient vitamins and micronutrients, quality sleep, stress management, detoxification, training to improve microcirculation.

Head massage

Cosmetic care with ingredients that improve microcirculation of the scalp and blood supply to the hair follicles

Most often, cosmetic products for hair loss treatment include such ingredients as:

Birch sap


Camelia (green tea) extract

Nettle extract

Rosmary essential oil or extract