Problem: wrinkles and other age-related skin changes

Problem: wrinkles and other age-related skin changes


At a certain age, we notice that our skin loses its smoothness and elasticity, wrinkles appear on it. At first, these are only fine lines and small folds that appear during facial activity, and then straighten out again. Later the skin tone decreases, the contours of the face become less clear, and permanent wrinkles form.

The reason for this is the natural decrease in the level of estrogens, which determine the activity of functional skin cells - fibroblasts, as well as the level of secretion of sebum. Over the years, fibroblasts produce less collagen and elastin fibers of the skin, which reduces the elasticity of the skin. Fibroblasts also synthesize less hyaluronic acid, which should retain moisture and make the skin smoother. Therefore, we observe symptoms of dryness and flabbiness, the texture of the skin resembles dull crumpled paper. The same processes affect the capillaries. This means that fewer nutrients enter the tissues, and metabolic products and toxins are removed from them worse. Complexion and radiance disappear.

Exposure to ultraviolet rays and other sources of free radicals can accelerate these natural processes, increase tissue microinflammation and hyperpigmentation.


Age-related skin changes develop according to a complex scenario associated with many factors, including environmental aggression, damage to the epidermal barrier, stress and chronic fatigue. Therefore, anti-aging care should take into account the multiple needs of mature skin and help it in various ways.

First, it is necessary to satisfy its basic needs, that is, provide hydration, nutrition and protection from external damage.

Excellent natural moisturizers are natural polysaccharides, which are rich in aloe gel, extracts of opuntia and other plants of a dry climate. Large hygroscopic molecules of hyaluronic acid salts bind moisture on the skin surface, smooth and refresh it, and create a favorable environment for regeneration. Coastal Atlantic algae are a source of not only moisturizing compounds, but also powerful bioregulators to combat stress, because they live in the uncomfortable lithoral zone.

Аs a rule, аnti-aging cosmetics contain antioxidants that fight destructive free radicals. Precious vegetable oils - such as argan oil, pomegranate seed oil, grape seed oil - contain vitamin E, known as the "vitamin of youth", and polyphenolic compounds that effectively trap free radicals. Green tea extract (camellia) is another well-known antioxidant component of cosmetics for mature skin.

In older age, it is recommended to choose nourishing and rich cosmetic products with components similar to skin lipids - shea butter, cocoa butter, lanolin or plant squalane. Thanks to them, the skin becomes soft, acquires a delicate velvety texture, and its protective potential increases.

There are plants that can stimulate collagen synthesis and improve its quality - for example, Centella asiatica has a proven anti-aging effect.

Flabby and dull aging skin needs a certain energy boost. Ginseng and caffeine are mild activators of the metabolic processes. Coenzyme Q10 is a universal anti-aging ingredient that increases cellular energy levels and traps free radicals. Cosmetic products with such components help get rid of a dull complexion, revitalize the skin and improve its tone.

Phytoestrogens (plant substances that demonstrate hormone-like activity) are very popular as cosmetic ingredients. In particular, extracts of wild yam, hops, red clover, and black cohosh have these properties. 

Most often, cosmetic products for mature skin include such anti-age ingredients as: acmella extract, argan oil, grape seed oil, pomegranate seed oil, rose oil, carrot seeds extract,  hyaluronic acid, Lilium candidum bulb extract, Lupinus albus seeds extract, Uncaria (cat’s claw) extract, coensyme Q10.